Samstag, 26.09.
21:30 – 22:00 Uhr
Smart Phones and Raspberry Pis
Live-Elektronik mit Smartphone, Raspberry Pi und Csound (Kuratoren: Heintz / Jure). Interventionen von Iain McCurdy (IR), Vincent Michalke (DE) und Alex Hofmann (DE). Dominik Löhrke, Saxophon. (Eintritt frei)
Iain McCurdy, Trace Diamorph (2015), Klangschalen und Live-elektronik (RasPi), 10 min.
Vincent Michalke, Mikodin (2014/2015) für Saxophon mit mobiler live-Elektronik (Android), 6 min. Saxophon: Dominik Löhrke
Alex Hofmann,COSMO (2015), Sopransaxophon und Live-elektronik (RasPi), ca. 10 min
Iain McCurdy, Trace Diamorph (2015)
Trace Diamorph (2015) is a concert performance version of on an interactive sound installation of the same name that was first exhibited in Trondheim, Norway in 2014. In this version of the piece all audio processing is carried out on a Raspberry Pi computer. Interaction with the computer, aside from the live audio input, is provided to the player through the use of a set of five switches, each actuated by inserting silver spheres into corresponding slots, and a set of foot switches. The computer is used without a monitor so visual feedback for the player is provided by a set of five lights which convey information about progress through the piece in the form of the binary number they express. An important aspect of this piece is that of imposed restriction. The use of a Raspberry Pi forces a more careful consideration of the efficiency of the methods of signal processing used. Some techniques must be be immediately rejected, others employed sparingly. This distillation of resources is also reflected in the spectral poverty of the Tibetan singing bowl and its ability to play only one note. This restriction necessitates that melodic contour within its its spectrum be explore instead. The computer has foreknowledge of the spectral fingerprint of the bowl and uses this information to break the sound up into its constituent parts before rebuilding and transforming it in various ways. All sound heard in the piece derives from the live playing of the bowl and transformations never diverge beyond contact with the original sound even when temporal displacement of the live sound is employed through the use of live sampling and buffering.
Vincent Michalke, Mikodin (2014/2015)
Bei Mikodin gibt es einen Saxophonisten mit mobiler live-Elektronik. Dass heißt Lautsprecher, Mikrofon und ein Smartphone zur Bearbeitung des Klangs trägt der Spieler mit sich. Dabei bewegt er sich durch das Publikum, sodass sowohl Saxophon Klang, als auch Elektronik Klang im Raum wandeln. Im Verlauf des Stücks werden verschiedene Verhältnisse, bzw. Verbindungen zwischen Saxophon und Elektronik hergestellt und erkundet.
Alex Hofmann, COSMO (2015)
The performance is based on free improvisation with soprano saxophone and the Csound On Stage Musical Operator (COSMO). COSMO is a stand-alone device, that brings the sound processing language Csound to a portable format in the form of a stomp box guitar pedal, which allows to integrate unique signal processing routines into existing live electronic setups. These routines will enhance the narrow acoustic sound of the soprano saxophone towards the creation of a broad sound wall.