Freitag, 25.09.
10:00 – 13:00 / 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Csound Workshop (II)
Mobile Anwendungen
Dozenten: Joachim Heintz (DE), Luis Jure (UY), Alex Hofmann (AT), Ian McCurdy (IE)
Csound is a free and cross-platform language for digital audio synthesis and processing. With its almost 2000 opcodes and its simple but powerful syntax, Csound is one of the most flexible and complete tools available today for computer music. Two related but independent workshops will cover different aspects of the language. The first one will introduce the fundamentals that will enable the participants to begin programming their own Csound orchestras. Examples will demonstrate how to implement some basic sound synthesis and processing techniques. The second will explore Csound in a live environment, for music production, performance and installation. Participants will be shown, and will explore for themselves, how Csound can interact with other software, with hardware musical equipment, with prototyping microprocessors, and with electronic sensors.
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Anmeldung bis spätestens 20. September 2015 per Email an Joachim Heintz (jh@joachimheintz.de). Anmeldungsgebühr: 20/15 EUR für 1 Tag oder 40/25 EUR für beide Tage. Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 15