Freitag, 25.09.
Hanseatenweg, Studiofoyer
22:30 – 24:00 Uhr
03 Late Night Session: Processed Reality
Mehrkanal-Improvisationen von Karen Power (IR) und Mazen Kerbaj (LB) feat. Rabih Beaini (LB/DE). Grußwort: Julia Gerlach, Spartenleiterin Musik beim Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD.
Karen Power, Sounding Water (2015, UA), Live-elektronische 4-Kanal-Improvisation mit Field Recording von Wasser und Eis, 15–20 min.
Mazen Kerbaj, Multiplied (2015, UA) mit Rabih Beaini (LB/DE), 8-Kanal Improvisation für Trompete und Live-Modular Set (Produktion des Studios für Elektroakustische Musik der Akademie der Künste im Kooperation mit dem Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD), 40–55 min.
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD
© John Godfrey
Karen Power (IR), Sounding Water (2015, UA). In Sounding Water Karen Power will combine her interest in field recording, our worlds natural timing, musical structures and the performance space, in a partially improvised and composed laptop performance based on water in its many states. The emphasis of this live electronics performance is on highlighting the many audible and inaudible features of water in all its various states - from the frozen Arctic ice-waters to the fluid-flowing Irish Blackwater River and the deafening underworld in the Laotian rice fields. Karen’s partially-improvised soundscape performances uniquely create simultaneously real and imaginary soundscapes for audiences to wander and explore. She specialises in using audible and inaudible environmental and every day sounds, all of which she has recorded from around the world, as catalysts for constructing multiple sonic paths and soundscapes, which could not physically coexist outside of each artist-made performance space. Karen’s intention is closely aligned with her compositional practice and a desire to play with that fragile space, which lies between the comfort in recognizing a sound and your personal association with it, and the wish to move beyond this into hearing new sonic possibilities for that same sound. Audiences are invited to find their own way into each and every sound. Sounding Water will be diffused through a quadraphonic system and uses only field recordings of water.
© Mazen Kerbaj
Mazen Kerbaj (LB), Multiplied (2015, UA) feat. Rabih Beaini (LBN/DE)
(1 x trumpet) x (2 x looper pedals) x (2 microphones) x (8 x loud speakers) x (1 x musicians) = 10 minutes
(1 x trumpet) x (2 microphones) x (1 x live processing station) x (8 x loud speakers) x (2 x musicians) = 35 minutes.