Wo kommen wir hin. Kathrin Röggla: The Elephant in the Room
Individual spaces at the Akademie venue on Hanseatenweg are transformed into a labyrinth based on this figure of speech. Hall 1, the Studio for Electroacoustic Music, the “Beckett Studio”, the reed garden, etc., become part of a matrix of the unspeakable, of prevented conversation, of repressed conflict and misunderstanding. The result is an acoustic, visual and performative installation developed by Kathrin Röggla, Mark Lammert and Eran Schaerf, along with other Akademie members and guests.
Concept: Kathrin Röggla
Acoustic Director: Leopold von Verschuer
Sound and technology: Jean Szymczak
Texts: Kathrin Röggla, Eran Schaerf, Kurt Tucholsky, Alberto Moravia, Claudia Cardinale, Jean-Luc Godard, Alvaro García de Zúñiga, Valère Novarina, Heiner Müller, Thomas Carlyle
Speakers: Dörte Fiedler, Jens Harzer, Mark Lammert, Kathrin Röggla, Manos Tsangaris, Valery Tscheplanowa, Leopold von Verschuer, Angela Winkler, Hanns Zischler sowie Silke Buchholz, Alexander Chernykow, Markus Lieberenz, Philomena Röggla, Eran Schaerf, Jean Szymczak, Claudia Wiedemer, Kindersprechchor Martino Bresadola Banchelli, Peer Salvador Hinz, Nepomuk, Philomena and Mathissa Röggla
Opening event: 17 May, 7 pm
The installation is part of „Wo kommen wir hin“.