What the Body Remembers. Dance Heritage Today Archival Turn


The “archival turn” can be described as a worldwide development. But what do artists and researchers understand under the term “archive”? Indian dancer Padmini Chettur, dance studies specialists Helene Herold, Thomas Thorausch, Patrick Primavesi and Susan Manning as well as the curator Ong Keng Sen discuss the archive as a metaphor for memory and preservation, and as a site of cultural identity, handing down traditions, but also of political stereotyping. Franz Anton Cramer ponders the perspectives for intercultural dance archives in the future.

Admission with ticket for the exhibition "The Century of Dance"

Saturday, 14 Sep 2019

5 pm


Studio Lobby

Talk with Padmini Chettur, Helene Herold, Ong Keng Sen, Susan Manning, Patrick Primavesi, Thomas Thorausch

Moderation: Franz Anton Cramer

In English

Admission with exhibition ticket (€ 8/5)

Further information
