Digital Collections

"Heartfield Online", Catalogue of Works by John Heartfield, 2018

Carl Einstein, Die Fabrikation der Fiktionen, probably Paris, around 1930

Alice Lex-Nerlinger, Arm und Reich, 1930, photogram, 63 x 62 cm

Oskar Nerlinger, Die Katze, 1928, silk paper stencil, adhesive template for photogram, 11,2 x 13,6 cm

Ellen Auerbach, Gotts Island, Maine. (Felsplatten an der Küste), 1947

Carl Blechen, Bäume und Häuser (from the Amalfi sketch book), 1829, sepia over graphite
The Archives has set up a digital showcase at, where a selection of manuscripts, books, photos, models, paintings, drawings and audio documents are presented online. The website also serves as a portal for digital projects of the Archives, many of which have been created in cooperation with other institutions in science and culture. These include virtual exhibitions, digital editions, and catalogs and catalogs of works.
Since a large part of the collections is protected by copyright, these digital copies are only accessible in the Reading Rooms of the Akademie der Künste. A search is possible via the Archives Database.