Reference Library

One of the two reading rooms is located at Pariser Platz 4, the library's main site. A second reading room can be used in the archive building at Robert-Koch-Platz 10. Numerous specialised databases licensed for the Academy can be researched on the reading room computers.
At Pariser Platz there is a reference library with around 7,000 volumes focussing on the following topics:
- Publications by Academy Members
- Publications about Academy Members
- Reference books and standard works
- Akademie der Künste publications
- Architecture
The holdings of the reference library and reading rooms, the special collections and journals can only be accessed in the reading rooms. This applies equally to books whose condition restricts their use solely to the reading rooms, as well as those valuable and irreplaceable items which must be treated with special care (e.g. art editions, rare books, etc) and the holdings from bequest library collections.
All other items in the library holdings are available on loan and may be taken out of the library. This service is only available to those living in Berlin. With some restrictions, the library is part of the national and international interlibrary loan system.